Meet with the SIP team through broadcast media.

[2025] Décrypter les dynamiques environnementales avec l’IA

[2024] IA en santé : quand les algorithmes prédisent l‘efficacité d’un traitement

[2021] ORASIS 2021 - Olivier Rissier-Maroix - Fonction d'adaptation pour similarité visuelle

[2021] ORASIS 2021 - Robin Deléarde - Description et reconnaissance de relations spatiales avec le bandeau de forces

[2020] ICPRAI 2020 - Mohamed Chelali, Camille Kurtz, Nicole Vincent and Anne Puissant - From pixels to Random Walk based segments for image time series deep classification

[2020] ICPRAI 2020 - Mohamed Chelali, Camille Kurtz, Nicole Vincent and Anne Puissant - Spatio-temporal stability analysis in Satellite Image Times Series

[2020] An innovative partnership between LIPADE and the company IPEDIS

[2020] The French Society of Pathology has been working for almost a year on its first data challenge around virtual slides of epithelial lesions of the uterine cervix