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ICPRAI 2022 June 2022

SIP team is involved in the organization of ICPRAI 2022 -- 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. ICPRAI 2022 will follow the successful 2018 edition located in Montréal, Canada and the 2020 (virtual) edition held in Zhongshan City, China. This edition is organized by the Laboratoire d'Informatique Paris Descartes (LIPADE) at Université de Paris, France. The conference aims to bring together researchers, students and practitioners of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence, to present and discuss new advances in these fields, related to theoretical, methodological developments or novel applications.

For the memory of Georges Stamon (SIP founder) May 2021

A tribute text can be found on the following link.
The members of the SIP team, his close colleagues, as well as all his collaborators, express their deep feelings of sympathy and fully associate themselves with the various tributes to our colleague Georges Stamon who passed away at the beginning of May 2021. All our thoughts go to his relatives and to all the people who will have been able to appreciate him and to know him.
You can leave a text here to pay tribute to him.
We remember with great emotion the scientific seminar organized to bring together his former collaborators to celebrate his 80th birthday in June 4th 2018. Here are some commemorative photos.

Special Issue in PRL on hierarchical image representations May 2019

Image representations based on hierarchical, scale-space models and other non-regular / irregular grids have become increasingly popular in image processing and computer vision over the past decades. Indeed, they allow a modeling of image contents at different (and complementary) levels of scales, resolutions and semantics. The aim of this special issue, co-edited by the SIP team, is to popularize the use of hierarchical methods in image processing and analysis. Indeed, although these methods have become very popular in computer vision over the last 20 years, their potential impact is largely underexploited in image processing and analysis.

Workshop en analyse d'images médicales multi-modales March 2018

The SIP team co-organizes with the WP4 of the FLI project the Workshop Avancées récentes en analyse d'images médicales multi-modales which is a workshop about medical multimodal image analysis. The workshop will focus on the following topics: Pre-processing, image registration, segmentation, radiomics and complex data mining methods...

Atelier FDC@EGC 2018 January 2018

The SIP team co-organizes the Atelier FDC@EGC 2018 which is a workshop about complex data mining held in parallel of the conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2018). The workshop will focus on the following topics: Pre-processing, organization and structuring complex data, Processes and complex data mining methods, Deep learning approaches, Classification and merging multiple data sources and distributed, Clustering and unstructured data segmentation, Multimedia data mining, Knowledge integration in complex data mining processes, Ontology and data mining...

Meet the SIP team @ ICDAR 2017

The SIP team is well represented at the 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR2017). The conference is held this year in Kyoto, Japan!

Special sessions @ ICPRAI 2018

The SIP team co-organizes 3 special sessions in the context of the international conférence International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI 2018) focusing on image quality, hierarchical image representation and digital histopathology. This event will be located in Montreal (Canada) in May 2018.

EGC 2018

The SIP team co-organizes the conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2018) focusing on data mining and machine learning that will be located in Paris Nord in January 2018.

Competition on the Classification of Medieval Handwritings in Latin Script @ ICDAR 2017

The SIP team co-organizes the Competition on the classification of medieval handwritings in latin script @ ICDAR 2017. The proposed competition is the second round of the Competition on the Classification of Medieval Handwritings in Latin Script. The first round was organized at ICFHR 2016. The tasks to be evaluated in the present competition is the classification of 3000 images of Latin Scripts, from handwritten books dated 500 C.E. to 1600 C.E.

Atelier FDC@EGC 2017 January 2017

The SIP team co-organizes the Atelier FDC@EGC 2017 which is a workshop about complex data mining held in parallel of the conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2017). The workshop will focus on the following topics: Pre-processing, organization and structuring complex data, Processes and complex data mining methods, Classification and merging multiple data sources and distributed, Clustering and unstructured data segmentation, Multimedia data mining, Knowledge integration in complex data mining processes, Ontology and data mining...

Competition on the classification of medieval handwritings in latin script @ ICFHR 2016

The SIP team co-organizes the Competition on the classification of medieval handwritings in latin script @ ICFHR 2016. The task to be evaluated in the present competition is the classification of 1000 images of Latin Scripts, from handwritten books dated 500 C.E. to 1600 C.E.

Journée Big Data Mining and Visualization June 23-24, 2016

The SIP team participates to the coordination of the Journée Big Data Mining and Visualization in collaboration with the different workshops of the EGC association ("Fouille de Données Complexes" (GT-FDC), "Grands Graphes et Bioinformatique" (GT-GGB), "Visualisation d'informations, interaction et fouille de données" (GT-VIF, commun avec l'AFIHM), "Gestion et Analyse de données Spatiales et Temporelles" (GT-GAST)). The workshop will be held in Metz (France) and will focus on various topics related to Big Data Mining and Visualization with a strong focus this year on Smart Cities and Internet of Things applications. We invite proposals for oral presentations, which can be mainly theoretical and applicative or combine both from academia and industry. More info and program here.

Journée GDR ISIS : Traitement du signal et des images pour la biologie March 9, 2016

The SIP team co-organizes a GDR ISIS workshop on biological imaging, in collaboration with the GDR MIV : Microscopie et Imagerie du Vivant. The workshop will focus on various topics related to biological image and signal analysis. We invite proposals for oral presentations, which can be mainly theoretical and applicative or combine both from academia and industry, on the covered topics of the day for presentations of 15 to 20 minutes (+ questions). More info and program here.

Atelier FDC@EGC 2016 January 2016

The SIP team co-organizes the Atelier FDC@EGC 2016 which is a workshop about complex data mining held in parallel of the conférence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2016). The workshop will focus on the following topics: Pre-processing, organization and structuring complex data, Processes and complex data mining methods, Classification and merging multiple data sources and distributed, Clustering and unstructured data segmentation, Multimedia data mining, Knowledge integration in complex data mining processes, Ontology and data mining...

Journées GDR ISIS : Traitement, Analyse, Indexation en Imagerie du Vivant June 2015

The SIP team co-organizes the Journées GDR ISIS : Traitement, Analyse, Indexation en Imagerie du Vivant which is a workshop about life imaging and biomedical image analysis. The workshop is split in 3 days with specific topics: day1 : "Analyse de tissu biologique et histopathologie numérique", day2 : "Analyse des images médicales pour l'aide au diagnostic", day3 : "Analyse d'images angiographiques". See program here.

Atelier ICOPA@RFIA 2014 July 2014

The SIP team organizes the Atelier ICOPA@RFIA 2014 which is a workshop about image analysis with background knowledge held in parallel of the conférence Reconnaissance de Formes et l'Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA 2014). The workshop will focus on the following topics: Knowledge and processing / image analysis, Active Learning, Relevance Feedback, Segmentation / classification guided by a priori knowledge, Image analysis and ontologies, Image annotation, Using spatial relationships and expert rules, Image knowledge modeling... See program here.